Virtual Interiorities

Virtual Interiorities

The Myth of Total Virtuality sets aside more common real/unreal spatial dichotomies in the literature to reinforce that the virtual is inherently an experience and not a representation. Each chapter examines a distinct experiential mode, whether within the built environment, an interactive digital world, or within film.

The Myth of Total Virtuality Cover
ETC Press
Release Date
December 15, 2022
DOI / Citations
Product Dimensions
6 x 9
Cover Design
Dave Gottwald and Gregory Turner-Rahman
Total Downloads: 5380

The Myth of Total Virtuality (Book Two)

Contemporary virtual reality is often discussed in terms of popular consumer hardware. Yet the virtual we increasingly experience comes in many forms and is often more complex than wearable signifiers.This three-volume collection of essays examines the virtual beyond the headset. Virtual Interiorities offers multiple, sometimes unexpected entry points to virtuality—theme parks, video games, gyms, pilgrimage sites, theater, art installations, screens, drones, film, and even national identity. What all these virtual interiorities share are compelling cultural perspectives on distinct moments of environmental collision and collusion, liminality, and shifting modes of inhabitation, which challenge more conventional architectural conceptions of space.

The Myth of Total Virtuality sets aside more common real/unreal spatial dichotomies in the literature to reinforce that the virtual is inherently an experience and not a representation. Each chapter examines a distinct experiential mode, whether within the built environment, an interactive digital world, or within film.

Library Category
ETC Press
Publications Category