Cross-Media Communications

An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences

This text is an introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications – cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development. The text introduces fundamental terms and concepts, and provides a solid overview of cross-media communications, one that builds from a general introduction to a specific examination of media and genres to a discussion of the concepts involved in designing and developing cross-media communications.

ETC Press
Release Date
June 27, 2011
DOI / Citations
Product Dimensions
7.44 x 9.69
Total Downloads: 219
This text is an introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications – cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development. The text introduces fundamental terms and concepts, and provides a solid overview of cross-media communications, one that builds from a general introduction to a specific examination of media and genres to a discussion of the concepts involved in designing and developing cross-media communications. CMC Media Files show how cross-media can be applied, with art, music and illustrations that complement the text. Chapters have overviews and problem-based/project-based activities to encourage active engagement with the readings. Throughout the text there are specific examples, case studies, foundations, and interviews with experts in the field to better illustrate the nature of cross-media. Cross-media Communications are integrated, interactive experiences that occur across multiple media, with multiple authors and have multiple styles. The audience becomes an active part in a cross-media experience. The overarching goal is to provide an overview of cross-media design and development. It is meant to be interdisciplinary and introductory in concept and implementation. A comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to work or play in the emerging terrain created by the interlocking orbits of contemporary media. — Frank Lantz, Creative Director and Co-Founder, area/code, Director, New York University Game Center Davidson et al have managed to wrangle the diverse and far reaching elements that comprise Cross-media Communications into a cohesive and highly approachable text. This text provides the student and educators with the tools and exercises to best introduce the topic, and lays a solid foundation for whatever the genre evolves into in the future. — Mk Haley, CMU ETC Associate Executive Producer and Faculty, Disney Research Labs, Pittsburgh For classroom or casual interest, here is a superb introduction to the cross-media revolution of the 21st Century; chock-full of history, definitions, exercises and insights, including many from those leading the charge against the crumbling barricades of the old and the monolithic. Viva la Revolucion! — Lee Sheldon, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University This book is an invaluable guide about the emerging art and science of cross media communication. Use this book as the foundation for your own journey into creating significant new experiences. I intend to have everyone in my organization read this book to ground them on the new rules and new opportunities for communication in the next decade. — Mickey McManus, President, CEO and Principal, MAYA Design
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