Book Title: “Roll for Learning: Micro Tabletop Role-Playing Games to Use in the Classroom”
Editors: Camilla Zamboni, Matthew Farber, William Merchant
ETC Press / Carnegie Mellon
Deadlines for abstracts (350 words): August 1, 2023
Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2023
Deadline for full games + chapters (2-page game, 2-page chapter materials): September 15, 2023
We are excited to announce an open Call for Chapters / Games for our upcoming volume: “Roll for Learning: Micro Tabletop Role-Playing Games to Use in the Classroom”, to be published by ETC Press.
This peer-reviewed book will focus on the increasingly popular medium of micro tabletop role-playing games (micro TTRPGs) and will bring together scholars and instructors working with? TTRPGs and TTRPG designers with an interest in education. By focusing on the micro TTRPG model, which is quick to read and easy to use, the volume will discuss how to harness its potential for learning and provide a guide for implementation in educational settings. By featuring original contributions of micro TTRPGs tailored to varied learning outcomes and different target audiences as well as templates and step-by-step guide on how to create and implement micro TTRPGs inside and outside the classroom, the editors aim to create a space that is at once informed by research, aligned with new trends in the RPG world, and welcoming to new interested users. Further, this book is an opportunity to create and share new games that can be played freely at conventions, conferences, and social gatherings. Submitted games will undergo a peer review process prior to acceptance. Published games and corollary materials will be fully available in open-access format.
We are looking for submissions of original and unpublished micro TTRPGs that address a variety of content areas, respond to different learning outcomes, and can be applied to specific audiences, from preschool to Higher Education. We welcome games that are interdisciplinary and can respond to multiple learning outcomes and/or different audiences. The main content areas we will feature are Literacy, STEM and Science, Math, Social Studies, SEL, Arts, and Humanities.
As micro TTRPGs, all games must not be longer than two-pages in length. Lasers and Feelings can be remixed, a popular micro TTRPG with a system that is “open for hacking and remixing under a CC BY 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0." The educational materials that precede the game will follow a template that the editors provide and will also be two-pages in length. Here is a sample chapter that has both the game and educational material: https://drive.google.com/file/d/134KAkPrs1Q6c6dM_nILhd-w_4-iWm8DU/view?usp=sharing
At this stage, we are requesting an abstract of roughly 350 words by August 1, 2023. Your abstract should include a working title, the main idea of the game, its learning objective(s), and its target audience(s). Please use this link to submit. https://forms.gle/7kLujvXdJaUFw62Q6
For accepted abstracts, final submissions (full game drafts) should follow the template below:
- Game title
- Short introduction - one paragraph describing what the game is about
- Learning objective(s) of the game
- Target audience (if multiple, specify which one is the main target audience)
- Game rules (please keep this part to one page)
- Character / world creation
- Main game mechanics
- Instructions for game facilitator (this can be on the back of the page)
- Best practices and tips for running the game, including safety tools
- Guidelines for implementation in class
- Questions for reflection
- Connection to existing theories, bibliography
We look forward to receiving your game abstracts.
The Editors: Camilla Zamboni, Matthew Farber, William Merchant