Designing Educational Games For Early Learners

This panel includes experts in digital game development, research, child development, and the learning sciences. Together they represent the various stakeholders in the development of games to support and promote learning in early childhood. They will discuss and debate their unique perspectives with respect to the goals and design of educational games as well as the ways their perspectives work in combination and in opposition to each other. For example, game developers often prioritize engagement and the fun features of a game that make children want to continue playing, while a researcher might prioritize the ways we know that young children use technology and the features that are associated with learning outcomes, and a child development expert might highlight the need for developmental appropriateness in content and usability. Thus, they all want the game to motivate and engage, but the way and extent to which learning is prioritized might differ.

Competing and Complementary Perspectives of Developers, Researchers, and Learning Experts
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