Structure for Tinkering Together

While we considered the effects of the pandemic on the early learning field, we also valued and sought to uplift the many ways in which the early care and learning community demonstrates resilience and resourcefulness. The Tinkering Studio made a commitment to support practitioners to tell stories of STEAM and tinkering practice in their own words as a way of connecting to the diversity, resilience, and inherent strengths of the early childhood field.

Tinkering Together was designed as a flexible, multimedia event hosted on a website.The design employs an asset-based, grassroots perspective by elevating the experiences of early care educators and providers as the primary source of insight. The website provides a prototype of how technology can invite broad participation in STEAM learning.

The event is organized around three content strands, curated to address specific outcomes and audiences. Each of the strands is centered around a guiding question. In addition, the multimedia offerings are designed to function as case studies of practice. These include edited video and audio stories as well as recorded (unedited) panel discussions and workshops. As such, the work is not scripted and educators’ responses and viewpoints are representative of their personal perspective and experiences.

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