Innovations That Help People

In this research study we investigated the impact of a computer science (CS) curricular intervention on girls’ interest in the topic. Our curriculum forefronts “Innovations That Help People” as a mode of broadening students’ view of computer science. Our research focuses on real-life problems that require CS skills in order to be solved. Using a problem-based learning (PBL) framework, students are presented with practical problem situations and then are guided through a process of discovery and identification of possible solutions until a workable solution is achieved. The entire process is weaved around an ethical component (consequences and benefits of innovation). Data collection includes field notes, artifact interviews, and a focus group interview. Six students (3 girls) attending a private day school in a city in the Northeastern United States participated in the study. Preliminary results indicate that both girls and boys are motivated by the Innovations That Help People curricular approach.

A Secondary School Computer Science Curriculum
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