A Participatory Evaluation of an Innovative Technology-Based Program for Adolescents With Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by sociocommunicative difficulties and restricted, repetitive behaviors and/or focused interests. Focused interests can motivate people with autism to obtain expertise in their interest areas, which are often expressed through a systematic approach to learning and an affinity for computers, mathematics, and science. Created with the goal of bolstering science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills among teens with ASD, Tech Kids Unlimited (TKU) provides previously unavailable opportunities for youth with ASD in New York City to develop authorial computing skills. The current study, an initial evaluation of TKU’s summer curriculum for adolescents with autism, highlights program design, students’ own goals for the future, and successful instructional techniques to facilitate learning. A curriculum adaptation based on evaluation results is presented.

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