Learning English Vocabulary

With a development team of six people (two engineers, two artists, one writer, and one producer/designer) working for ~8 months, we created an English language learning game for Android tablets. The game, named The Tomes, facilitates vocabulary acquisition and retention by providing an engaging experience where reading and understanding vocabulary words in-context really matters: a choose-your-own-adventure graphic novel. Aimed at 6th graders in American public schools, The Tomes gives players the opportunity to make meaningful choices in a branching narrative. In addition, at certain points in the story, players complete timed minigames based on their knowledge of vocabulary, the result of which directs the outcome of the current plot and, behind the scenes, provides educators with useful assessment data. The game is completed and, as of January 2012, is being pilot tested in some New York public schools.

A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Graphic Novel
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