Are Your Students ‘Slack’ers?

Slack is a popular cloud-based communication tool that is increasingly being used for collaborative
learning in higher education. This study found that Slack was a viable tool for eliciting peer and instructor
feedback as part of a face-to-face interdisciplinary project-based course. Students elicited feedback by directly requesting it from either their peers or instructors. Feedback was also provided via unsolicited advice or recommendations. Positive affirmations from both peers and instructors were the most common form of
feedback. Slack provided a space outside of the learning-management system (LMS) where students could post photo and video updates about their project while engaging in (a)synchronous communication. Members of the Slack learning community were able to participate at their own pace and could choose whether they wanted to reply outside of traditional working hours.

Using Cloud-Based Communication to Elicit Peer and Instructor Feedback
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