This paper will specifically take a look at T.I.M.E Stories (2015) for its interplay between game rhetoric and player rhetoric. T.I.M.E Stories is a prime example that analog games (against common misconception) are capable to unfold narratives. The Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik deemed board games utterly unable to tell a story or deploy rhetoric (Pekar, col.1069), however this game proves such statements wrong. T.I.M.E Stories tells the story of time agents protecting history from alterations. Its core game mechanic is built around effective time management and essentially engages the player in a constant pursuit of golden opportunities. After a short overview on the historical and theoretical importance of kairos for rhetoric, T.I.M.E Stories is introduced. Taking a macro- and micro-perspective allows to gain a deeper understanding how golden oppurtunities are at the center of gameplay and based upon that how procedural as well as verbal rhetoric try to attain this goal.

Kairos in T.I.M.E Stories
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