Introduction to the Special Issue

DiGRA 2017 received 55 full paper submissions. From these submissions, 21 full papers were selected for publication in the DiGRA 2017 conference proceedings and to be presented at the conference. All submitted full papers were subjected to a peer review by an independent international reviewing committee. All full papers were reviewed in their entirety by at least three reviewers. DiGRA 2017 also received 97 extended abstract submissions. From these submissions, 67 extended abstracts were selected for presentation at the conference. All extended abstracts were peer reviewed by a panel including track chairs, program chairs and other reviewers as required. DiGRA 2017 received 10 panel proposals. From these proposals, 7 panels were selected for participation in the conference. Panels were selected by a panel of the conference and program chairs.

From the 88 full paper and extended abstract submissions, 10 submissions were invited to participate in this special issue. Papers were selected from the conference submissions that were given the highest rating by reviewers in each track. Track chairs were also asked to recommend the best submissions from each track.
Effort was made to select submissions from across all tracks in the conference to reflect the diversity of submissions to the conference in the special issue. Papers for the special issue were each reviewed by two reviewers and a meta-reviewer. Feedback from reviewers was used by authors to revise and rework the seven papers in this special issue.

Selected Articles from the 2017 International DIGRA Conference
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