Dr. Magerko is an Associate Professor of Digital Media & head of the ADAM Lab at Georgia Tech. He received his B.S. in Cognitive Science from Carnegie Mellon (1999) and his MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan (2001, 2006). His research explores the intersection of creativity, cognition, and computing. This interdisciplinary work leads to studying creativity and human cognition, building artificial intelligence systems that can creatively collaborate with human users, and exploring the use of human creativity as a gateway to better understanding how to effectively teach computing skills. Much of this work results in cutting edge digital media experiences in interactive installation, interactive narrative, and educational media.
Dr. Magerko has been research lead on over $12 million of federally-funded research; has authored over 100 peer reviewed articles related to computational media, cognition, and learning; has had his work shown at galleries and museums internationally; and co-founded a STEAM-based learning environment for computer science – called EarSketch – that has been used by over 120K learners worldwide as of summer 2017. Dr. Magerko and his work have been shown in the New Yorker, USA Today, CNN, Yahoo!, NPR, and other global and regional outlets.
- Twitter: @fishofdream
- http://adamlab.gatech.edu