Using a Level Editor’s Clickstream Data as a Performance-Based Assessment Tool

Games have great potential to act as assessment tools, particularly for performance-based assessment (Steinkuehler and Squire, 2013). Digital games uniquely enable automated observation of student performance, eliminating the need for video recording or time-intensive observational work. Clickstream data can automate observations if a student’s sequence of clicks can be tied to learning claims, for example through an evidence-centered design approach (Shute and Ventura, 2013). In this study, we will use the clickstream data resulting from a student’s use of an in-game level-editor to assess a student’s level of persistence and use of the engineering design process (EDP). We will test students both before and after attending an engineering-focused, 12 week after school program. This is particular relevant as the new science standards emphasize understanding the engineering design process in addition to the scientific method (NGSS Lead States, 2013). The level-editor will be used as an assessment tool, to gauge transference of these two skills from a hands-one, engineering learning context to a digital, game-based assessment context. This is an ongoing study, and we will report on the results from the first round of implementation at the GLS poster session.

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