Turmoil Alley|Larmgränd is an interactive exhibition that uses mixed media as a storytelling vehicle. The work consists of two large-scale posters depicting photographs of houses from Malmö, Sweden. In a patchwork fashion, the houses form a street: Larmgränd (in English Turmoil Alley) which once existed but has long since disappeared from Malmö’s cityscape. The houses on the posters function as a canvas for story fragments about people in Malmö between 1900 and 1925. While the stories are truthful— in the sense that they could have happened in the way we tell them—the characters who inhabit “Larmgränd” are fctive amalgams of real events and people. To access these stories, the visitor uses Argon, a mobile Augmented Reality application for iPhone and Android smartphones. Argon was created by the Augmented Environments Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology with whom we have collaborated.

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