While much has been looked at in terms of video games and their psychological effect on players, little has been explored about the psychological implications of tabletop RPGs. There have been few examinations of how tabletop RPGs use the unique features of their medium to work with trauma. For the purposes of this study, I will be analyzing the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons module “Curse of Strahd”, which was released in 2016, in terms of how the game mechanics and narrative theme of the module reiterate key characteristics of psychological abuse, which the players are able to witness and engage with throughout the campaign. The setting, narrative elements, and unusual game mechanics combine in a rich tapestry of horror that allow the player to experience the manifestations of trauma through play. While Dungeons and Dragons has previously been criticized for its lack of diversity and sensitivity to otherness, “Curse of Strahd” works to present trauma and its effects in a meaningful way that allows players to critically engage with and reflect upon trauma. Unlike the typical hack and slash dungeon crawls from the 1980s, “Curse of Strahd” focuses on the psychological implications of physical violence. I argue that “Curse of Strahd” is a site for witnessing and performing the psychology of trauma, and specifically the psychology of abuse.