Large universities are enormous enterprises with long histories, proud traditions, and institutional bureaucracy. Esports programs represent new directions, opportunities, and challenges for universities as they look to innovate with fledgling esports programs. Esports program directors have had to understand the power structures on campuses and work with many stakeholders to seek support and approval for creating these new initiatives. As more schools consider adding esports,
each will need to consider the many stakeholders including students, faculty, alumni, athletics, communications, legal, admissions, IT departments, and many others. This panel consisted of some of the key early adopters of collegiate
esports from the University of Utah and Miami University (Ohio) who have successfully built highly-respected programs. The panel began with short overview presentations from both AJ and Glenn as they shared basic information about their esports programs and what they do. The panel then went through some of the common and uncommon questions that are frequently asked.
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