Theatre in Pandemic centred on experiential learning and co-creation. It was structured over six sessions or ‘episodes’5 of four hours each; a solid half-day timeslot per week in which we could all work together or divide up; varying modalities and group sizes as needed. The substance of the course initially revolved
around a series of ‘in-class actions’ and games, and assignments. This document is an edited and annotated version of the syllabus, offered in the same spirit of collective learning that animated the course itself. Designed from scratch for this experiment, it began as a skeletal template and was gradually fleshed out as
we went. This gave us a vital way to keep the class responsive and adaptive. The reading, media resources, and ‘action’ briefs are all included here, with commentary and footnotes added for context, clarification or connections, in the hope of inspiring further exploration.

An Experimental Syllabus for Theatre in Pandemic
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