Learning Subject-Verb Agreement in English

With a development team of five people (one producer/designer, two engineers, and two artists) working for ~6 months, we created an English language learning game for Android tablets. The game, named Unearthed, is designed to help 6th graders learn subject-verb agreement. The game has an archaeological theme and players reconstruct broken bones to form grammatically correct, though sometimes silly, sentences. As players match bones, they increase in level and unlock harder sentence constructions, like subjects with a compound OR. Also, players may periodically trigger one of three bonus games, which are designed to reinforce the educational concepts while providing a diversity of gameplay experiences. To ensure that very quick guessing isn’t the optimal strategy, players earn a streak bonus for each correct answer in a row. The game is completed and, as of January 2012, is being pilot tested in some New York public schools.

An Archaeological Adventure
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