More than a decade ago, celebrities, policy makers and millions of citizens in the United States and Europe took to the streets to demand attention for Darfur, the war torn region in Sudan. They called it a genocide: in Darfur, hundreds of thousands of people were being killed and thousands of women and girls were raped. The International Criminal Court in The Hague issued a warrant for the arrest of president Omar al Bashir, for crimes against humanity and war crimes. But a mere decade later little has changed in Darfur, as journalists Klaas van Dijken and Adriane Ohanesian found out when they visited the region illegally in 2015. The Bashir government is still in charge and doesn’t allow journalists to enter Darfur. Van Dijken and Ohanesian saw that many atrocities still continue there. In the meantime, any mention of Darfur has disappeared from the news coverage. The US and the EU are even collaborating with the criminal regime. How does this happen? How come the public and politicians have forgotten about the crisis that occupied their conscience a mere decade ago? The journalists created this project to follow-up with several key players involved in the global action to save Darfur. They spoke with victims, activists, politicians and one rebel leader and asked them: Where did things go wrong? What could they have done different? In the interactive documentary, viewers can assess all these answer for themselves and ultimately decide on the answer to the question: Did Evil Win?

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